Random Password generator


$length = 15
    If ($length -lt 4) { $length = 4 }   #Password must be at least 4 characters long in order to satisfy complexity requirements.

    Do {
        $password =     $null 
        $hasupper =     $false   #Has uppercase letter character flag.
        $haslower =     $false   #Has lowercase letter character flag.
        $hasnumber =    $false   #Has number character flag.
        $hasnonalpha =  $false   #Has non-alphanumeric character flag.
        $isstrong =     $false   #Assume password is not strong until tested otherwise.
        For ($i = $length; $i -gt 0; $i--)
            $x = get-random -min 33 -max 126              #Random ASCII number for valid range of password characters.
                                                          #The range eliminates the space character, which causes problems in other scripts.        
            If ($x -eq 34) { $x-- }                       #Eliminates double-quote.  This is also how it is possible to get "!" in a password character.
            If ($x -eq 39) { $x-- }                       #Eliminates single-quote, causes problems in scripts.
            If ($x -eq 47) { $x-- }                       #Eliminates the forward slash, causes problems for net.exe.
            If ($x -eq 96) { $x-- }                       #Eliminates the backtick, causes problems for PowerShell.
            If ($x -eq 48 -or $x -eq 79) { $x++ }         #Eliminates zero and capital O, which causes problems for humans. 
            $password = $password + [System.Char] $x      #Convert number to an ASCII character, append to password string.

            If ($x -ge 65 -And $x -le 90)  { $hasupper = $true }
            If ($x -ge 97 -And $x -le 122) { $haslower = $true } 
            If ($x -ge 48 -And $x -le 57)  { $hasnumber = $true } 
            If (($x -ge 33 -And $x -le 47) -Or ($x -ge 58 -And $x -le 64) -Or ($x -ge 91 -And $x -le 96) -Or ($x -ge 123 -And $x -le 126)) { $hasnonalpha = $true } 
            If ($hasupper -And $haslower -And $hasnumber -And $hasnonalpha) { $isstrong = $true } 
    } While ($isstrong -eq $false)

Replaced with:

Length = 15

$PasswordCharCodes = {33..126}.invoke()

#Exclude ",',/,`,O,0
34,39,47,96,48,79 | foreach {[void]$PasswordCharCodes.Remove($_)}

$PasswordChars = [char[]]$PasswordCharCodes 

do { 
    $NewPassWord =  $(foreach ($i in 1..$length) 
     { Get-Random -InputObject $PassWordChars }) -join '' 

 until (
         ( $NewPassword -cmatch '[A-Z]' ) -and
         ( $NewPassWord -cmatch '[a-z]' ) -and
         ( $NewPassWord -imatch '[0-9]' ) -and 
         ( $NewPassWord -imatch '[^A-Z0-9]' )

One response to “Random Password generator

  1. Congrats! Code looks optimized now..

    Btw you can check web version of ajax’ed password generator:
    What do you think?

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